"The Wood Kookie" Kamp Kiwanis Newsletter Issue No. 10

Click here to view the 10th issue of our Kamp Kiwanis Newsletter, “The Wood Kookie.”

Kamp Kiwanis Program Update

Kamp Kiwanis continues to offer programs in these pandemic times. We are committed to our mission to empower youth to explore, think critically, connect with their communities, and to make the most of life for themselves and others. Click here for an update on our programs.

"The Wood Kookie" Kamp Kiwanis Newsletter Issue No.9 March 2021

Click here to view the 9th issue of our Kamp Kiwanis Newsletter, “The Wood Kookie.”

Sharing the Outdoors in Winter Part 2: Cold Weather Activities

After dressing appropriately for our Alberta Winter climate (see Part 1 of our blog on Sharing the Outdoors in Winter: Cold Weather Wear) go outside and play!  At Kamp Kiwanis, located in the foothills just west of Calgary, Alberta, we’re fortunate to have 140 acres of forest space to play in all winter long, but you can find natural spaces in your neighborhood too: your yard and local parks.  Visit our blog Use the Break from School to Reconnect with Nature  which includes some places to visit in and around the Calgary area.

At Kamp Kiwanis we want kids to develop a relationship with the natural world. In addition to Summer Camp Programs, we offer various Outdoor School Programs spanning all grades throughout the course of the school year. All of our programs focus on sharing the outdoor experience with students. We pride ourselves on providing magical learning experiences that are carefully crafted to meet the unique needs of each specific school. During normal operations, we offer both overnight and day programs. We strive for our programs to increase students' capacity in the areas of environmental literacy, awareness and action, while encouraging outdoor recreational activities.  For more on our Outdoor School Programs visit https://www.kampkiwanis.ca/school-programs

Here are over 50 ways to share the winter outdoors with kids.  Click on the links for additional information and resources.  We’ve tried to share local information where possible.

Playing GaGa ball at Kamp Kiwanis

Playing GaGa ball at Kamp Kiwanis

Outdoor Activities

Sledding down “K-1” at Kamp Kiwanis

Sledding down “K-1” at Kamp Kiwanis

Snowshoeing at Kamp Kiwanis

Snowshoeing at Kamp Kiwanis

Winter campfire at The Kiwano-Ring (K-Ring) at Kamp Kiwanis

Winter campfire at The Kiwano-Ring (K-Ring) at Kamp Kiwanis

Journalling at Kamp Kiwanis

Journalling at Kamp Kiwanis

Winter Learning/Play Ideas

Snow Painting

Snow Painting

Studying trees at Kamp Kiwanis

Studying trees at Kamp Kiwanis

Things to Do When It Is Freezing Out

Frozen ice blocks made with food colouring and water

Frozen ice blocks made with food colouring and water

Enjoy the joys of winter!