After dressing appropriately for our Alberta Winter climate (see Part 1 of our blog on Sharing the Outdoors in Winter: Cold Weather Wear) go outside and play! At Kamp Kiwanis, located in the foothills just west of Calgary, Alberta, we’re fortunate to have 140 acres of forest space to play in all winter long, but you can find natural spaces in your neighborhood too: your yard and local parks. Visit our blog Use the Break from School to Reconnect with Nature which includes some places to visit in and around the Calgary area.
At Kamp Kiwanis we want kids to develop a relationship with the natural world. In addition to Summer Camp Programs, we offer various Outdoor School Programs spanning all grades throughout the course of the school year. All of our programs focus on sharing the outdoor experience with students. We pride ourselves on providing magical learning experiences that are carefully crafted to meet the unique needs of each specific school. During normal operations, we offer both overnight and day programs. We strive for our programs to increase students' capacity in the areas of environmental literacy, awareness and action, while encouraging outdoor recreational activities. For more on our Outdoor School Programs visit
Here are over 50 ways to share the winter outdoors with kids. Click on the links for additional information and resources. We’ve tried to share local information where possible.
Playing GaGa ball at Kamp Kiwanis
Outdoor Activities
Sledding down “K-1” at Kamp Kiwanis
Snowshoeing at Kamp Kiwanis
Capture the Flag - with larger groups in winter
Curling - 2 Minute Guide to the Sport of Curling
Gaga Ball - we have 2 pits at Kamp Kiwanis
Ice hockey/shinny (informal hockey play/“pick-up” hockey/”street hockey”)
Nordic skiing (cross-country skiing)
Shovelling snow (make it fun with snow pile competitions or races or be a “snow angel” and shovel your neighbours’ walks and driveways)
Snowball fight (be sure to set rules first to reduce injuries and maximize fun)
Snowball target practice
Snow golf/disc golf - set up a little course in your backyard or park or disc golf course
Snow soccer
Tag/frozen tag
Winter festivals (in non-pandemic times)
Winter walk/hike
Winter campfire at The Kiwano-Ring (K-Ring) at Kamp Kiwanis
Journalling at Kamp Kiwanis
Winter Learning/Play Ideas
Snow Painting
Studying trees at Kamp Kiwanis
Animal track hunt - be a winter wildlife detective!
Campfire - roast your favourites & sing campfire songs visit our Kamp Kiwanis YouTube Channel for some song ideas
Journey sticks - a memento of your winter adventures
Outdoor journaling/sketching - find a cozy nature spot and journal/sketch - here’s some ideas to get you started: Winter writing prompts, more winter writing prompts
Outdoor story time - find a cozy nature spot and read a winter story
Owl Walk - go for an evening walk in a natural area and try listening for owls
Sidewalk Chalk - when there isn’t snow on the pavement you can write kindness messages and make colourful drawings
Snow angels
Snow forts/Quinzees or Build a shelter
Snowmen/Snow sculptures
Snowy beach - bring out the sandbox toys to play in the snow
Star-gazing/Northern light watching - try to spot different winter constellations and maybe even howl at the moon!
Throw rocks into a frozen pond and see if you can crack the ice - be sure to stay safe around bodies of water in winter and review ice safety
Tic-Tac-Toe in the snow - use sticks to draw x’s & o’s
Tree Identification - search for different evergreen trees - Alberta Guide
Winter bird feeders: Build your own or purchase one to hang up - either way you can enjoy the hobby of birdwatching from your own home.
Winter bird watching - Identifying birds
Winter photography - you can create a list of winter things to capture photos of and put them into a slideshow to share
Winter picnic/tea party
Winter Yoga and More winter Yoga - you can even try these poses outside
Yeti tracks - cut out some big yeti footprints out of cardboard and tie to boots to make tracks in the snow -- they won’t last long but it will be fun!
More Fun Indoor and Outdoor Winter Activities You Can Do at Home
Things to Do When It Is Freezing Out
Frozen ice blocks made with food colouring and water
Blow ice bubbles (Best at -20C or colder)
Ice candles (remember to not leave burning unattended or use faux tea lights)
Enjoy the joys of winter!