Sharing the Outdoors In Winter Part 1: Cold Weather Wear

Let’s face the “cold hard truth”, winter lasts more than half of the year in Alberta, so let’s embrace where we live!  At Kamp Kiwanis, we want kids to develop relationships with the natural world, in all seasons, and that means getting outside and connecting with nature, even when the temperatures drop below zero. There are many benefits to getting kids outside to play in colder weather including strengthening their immune system, burning extra energy through physical activity, promoting different problem-solving skills, resiliency and cognitive functioning, increasing vitamin D levels and boosting mood (Hamid, 2018).  Winter can also be a magical environment for children. Winter offers unique sensory experiences that, when you slow down to take them in, are inspiring and enriching for all ages (Fitzgerald, 2020). Research in the growing field of ecotherapy shows that there is a strong connection between time spent in nature and reduced stress, anxiety, and depression (Harvard Health Publishing, 2018)...something we are all in need of during these pandemic times!

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Layering Clothing

Important to having a great time outside playing in cold weather is dressing properly and that means layers.  

Base Layer - A good thermal base layer might be one of the most important layers.  A material like merino wool that helps wick moisture away from the skin is best.  Synthetic material can also be a less expensive option.  Cotton isn’t great for base-layers in cold weather, as it tends to hold moisture and can make you feel colder and cause unwanted chafing (no thank you!)

Mid-Layer - This layer helps keep you warm and insulated.  A material like fleece can help keep you warm without getting too bulky and also allow moisture to keep moving outwards.

Outer-Layer/Shell - This layer keeps out winter elements like wind and snow. This layer should still be breathable, fit easily over your other layers, but not too loosely as you need to allow moisture to escape, while keeping heat in.

Hand and Footwear - Our hands and feet have a large surface area for their size, so they can get cold quickly and easily succumb to frostbite (freezing of the skin and underlying tissues.) When our bodies get cold they also try to keep heat in our core, so circulation to extremities like hands and feet can slow down in order to keep our core warmer.  Insulated hand and footwear with waterproof covering that keeps the elements out is essential.  Mittens will keep hands warmer than gloves by allowing your fingers to generate more heat together. Check the temperature rating on mittens and boots to see the level of insulation they provide, but also ensure there is room for fingers and toes to move around.  If they fit too tightly, heat won’t circulate as well. Socks designed for cold weather, like wool (merino wool is soft and less itchy) can also help keep feet warmer and wick away moisture.  The dryer your feet are, the less cold they will get.

Head and face - Contrary to popular belief, not a lot of heat is actually lost through your head.  Your head makes up only about 10% of your body’s total surface area, so if your head could lose even 75% of the body's heat, it would have to lose about 40 times as much heat per square inch as every other part of your body (Davis, 2011). The reason a warm hat is essential in cold weather is that if the rest of your body is bundled up, the head is the good escape route for heat. A cold head can also trigger blood vessel constriction in the other parts of the body, so it can make your hands and feet feel cold, even if you are wearing mittens and warm socks and shoes (Harvard Health Publishing, 2012). Winter hats or toques are best for staying warm when they are snug but comfortable, somewhat insulated, but can fit under a hood if needed for extra element protection.  It’s a bonus if they can wick moisture away (like fleece lining), and keep your ears protected from the elements and frostbite. A balaclava or neck gaiter can offer extra face protection. Some balaclavas are versatile so that they can be worn with or without the face protection. Neck gaiters and balaclavas are also safer for kids than scarfs, reducing the risk of strangulation.

Second-hand stores and resale websites or social media marketplaces can be great options for cutting costs on purchasing winter clothing, just make sure you do your research to ensure quality. 

Stay Dry and Check For Frost-nip

For kids to have the most enjoyable time in cold weather as possible, it’s important to regularly check that they are staying warm, but not overheated.  Add or remove layers as needed and change out any wet gear that is against the skin. Bring them indoors to warm up periodically on colder days.  Also check for signs of frost-nip, the early stages of frostbite where there is red, white or yellowish skin that is feeling numb and bring them inside to warm up (Healthline, 2018). You may use some blankets or warm (not hot) water to warm the areas up (Healthline, 2018).  Never use hot water or heating pads, as this may cause burns while sensation has not fully returned (Healthline, 2018). A nice cup of hot chocolate, tea or apple cider is also a welcomed treat to warm up!

More on Frostbite and Other Cold Related Emergencies

Stay tuned for part 2 on Cold Weather Activities!

Kamp Kiwanis Main Field in Winter

Kamp Kiwanis Main Field in Winter


Davis, S. (2011, January 4). Do We Really Lose Most of Our Heat Through Our Heads? Retrieved from

Fitzgerald, M. (2020, December 15). Why Being Outdoors in Winter is So Very Good for Kids. Retrieved from

Hamid, K. (2018, December 18). 4 Reasons Children Should Play Outside In The Cold.  Retrieved from

Harvard Health Publishing. (2012, February). Cold out? Why you need to wear a hat! Retrieved from

Harvard Health Publishing. (2018, July). Sour mood getting you down? Get back to nature. Retrieved from

Healthline. (2018, March 19). Frostnip. Retrieved from

Where Are They Now?

Wondering what some of our Kamp Kiwanis Staff Alumni are up to since working as part of the Kamp Kiwanis Staff Team? View this playlist to find out what alumni are doing and how Kamp Kiwanis inspired their life, adventures and career choices. If you are a Kamp Kiwanis Staff Alumni and want to share a video update, please contact us at

What is Kampers Korner?

Kampers Korner is a feature shared on 3 of our social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram and You Tube. On Kampers Korner we bring you videos, nature and STEAM activities, songs, stories and more from Kamp Kiwanis. The initiative started as a means to bring help bring Kamp Kiwanis Outdoor Education and Summer Kamp Programming to those at home during the COVID-19 Pandemic through the magic of technology. We hope you enjoy learning and sharing the outdoors and that it encourages you to keep building a connection with the natural world while practicing safe physical distancing.

If you have any questions or concerns about Kampers Korner or the guidelines please get in touch with either

Nick Taven - Camp Director or Kristen Palagian - Assistant Director

Phone: 403-242-9255


Use the Break from School to Reconnect with Nature

Many schools around the world have cancelled classes in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Getting outdoors and learning about our natural world, however, has not been cancelled, so why not use this time to reconnect with nature? It’s no news that with increasing technological advances, fewer natural spaces and over-scheduling, our children have slowly been experiencing a disconnect with the natural world.

“The term Nature-Deficit Disorder® was introduced in 2005 with the publication of ‘Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder.’ Louv coined the phrase to serve as a description of the human costs of alienation from nature and it is not meant to be a medical diagnosis (although perhaps it should be), but as a way to talk about an urgent problem that many of us knew was growing, but had no language to describe it. The term caught on, and is now a rallying cry for an international movement to connect children to rest of nature. Since then, this New Nature Movement has broadened to include adults and whole communities. (From

Maybe we’ve been given a little bit of a gift amid the chaos of Corona Virus, while schools and indoor recreational facilities close and we work more from home, an opportunity to kids get outside and reconnect with nature and also do some fun indoor learning about our natural world. We are fortunate in Calgary to have the Rocky Mountains and many other natural spaces within an hour or less from our doorstep, but you can even connect with nature in your neighbourhood parks or backyards.

Here’s a list of some activities and resources for sharing the outdoors and also bringing the outside world in. We will add to the list as we discover more resources. If you know of any good resources, please let us know and we will review it and possibly add it to the list.



Nature Activities


Please check weather, trail conditions and for closures before heading out. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many Alberta Parks and Parks Canada places are closed, including visitor centres and washrooms. All Calgary playgrounds are closed including City playgrounds and school playgrounds. For City of Calgary facility closures in response to COVID-19 go to

Online Learning Resources

Other Resources

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DIY Tent Ornament


On November 28th, 2019, a volunteer and staff crew from Kamp Kiwanis went downtown Calgary to the CORE Shopping Centre to decorate 2 trees, as part of Find Christmas Downtown. One with a Kamp Kiwanis theme and one with a Kiwanis Apple Festival theme. Our staff and volunteers, with the talents of Stacey from Crafternoon YYC and Bigfoot Custom Shoes created all of the ornaments. Trees were donated by Canadian Tire and will be delivered to families in need of a tree by The Magic of Christmas in time for the holiday season. For more on the event visit


One of the ornaments created for the Kamp Kiwanis tree was a tent and campfire ornament created by Crafternoon. You can make one of these ornaments at home using a few easy to find supplies. For materials and instructions on how to make one of these delightfully cute ornaments for your own tree click here and keep your camping memories alive all holiday long!