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Changing the world, one child at a time!

Kamp Kiwanis is an overnight Summer Camp for underprivileged or disadvantaged children and an Outdoor School running overnight and day trip programs in Spring and Fall. 

Kamp Kiwanis was founded in 1951 by the Kiwanis Club of Calgary.


Our Vision

A world where all youth learn to become responsible, participating members of their communities.


Our Mission

Kamp Kiwanis empowers youth to explore, think critically, connect with their communities, and to make the most of life for themselves and others.


our Values

Have fun, be safe and nurture growth



Underprivileged (disadvantaged) Youth

Environmental Education

General Education

Economic Sustainability


We strive to create safe, inclusive spaces where kids can meet the objectives of Kamp Kiwanis. We work to create a sense of belonging at Kamp Kiwanis were everyone can be true to themselves and celebrate their differences in gender, race, ethnicity, culture, beliefs, abilities and sexual orientation. We want all of our program participants, staff and volunteers to feel welcome and respected.

We are able to accommodate many diverse needs, however, we recognize that there are some individuals with greater specialized needs that are beyond the scope of our staff training and staff:participant ratios, in which case we refer these individuals to other camps that can best accommodate them and allow them to have the most inclusive camp experience possible. 



The Summer Camp Program is designed to give children a summer camp experience who would otherwise be unable to have such an experience.


Overnight Outdoor School and Day Trip Programs provide field experiences that meet the Alberta Program of Studies.



We are not able to offer rental facilities at this time. Please email to be notified of future rental facility offerings.


Help Kamp Kiwanis continue to offer subsidized programming for Calgary and Area children and youth. Donate funds, volunteer time or give gifts-in-kind.